Acupuncture Resources
Seasonal Newsletters
Each season, I write about the elements how we relate to the time of year. Read my past newsletters to learn more about the seasons.
Recommended Books
I recommend a number of books to people who would like to learn more about Chinese medicine and acupuncture.
Where it all began
Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu
The Tao of Pooh by Benjamin Hoff - a modern twist on the classic Tao Te Ching
The Te of Piglet by Benjamin Hoff
Intro to Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
The Web That Has No Weaver: Understanding Chinese Medicine by Ted Kaptchuk
Between Heaven and Earth by Harriet Beinfield and Efrem Korngold
To learn more about the Five Elements
Plant Spirit Medicine by Eliot Cowan
Power of the Five Elements by Charles A. Moss, MD
Traditional Acupuncture: The Law of the Five Elements by Dianne Connelly
Great books with great perspective
The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown
All Sickness is Homesickness by Dianne Connelly
Common Sense for the Healing Arts by Bob Duggan
Fire Child Water Child by Stephen Cowan
These pages each contain information about foods that help aspects of your health.